About Waukee Rotary

Our Why

The Rotary Club of Waukee is part of Rotary International, a not-for-profit worldwide organization that proves every day that it's one of the most influential humanitarian service organizations.

The mission of Rotary is to provide service to others, to promote high ethical standards and to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through its fellowship of business, professional and community leaders.

Rotarians join because of business, personal growth and development, leadership development, citizenship in the community, continuing education, fun, public speaking skills, world citizenship, entertainment, and development of ethics.

Our Story

The Rotary Club of Waukee has been serving its community for twenty years. Founded in 1998, hundreds of Waukee citizens have joined together for weekly meetings to learn, grow, and commit to making Waukee an even better place to live. The Rotary Club of Waukee meets every Thursday at 7:00 AM at the Des Moines Golf and Country Club.

Our Who

The Rotary Club of Waukee continues to get involved with the community through: Salvation Army bell ringing, highway clean ups, food packaging, supporting local school initiatives, hosting international students, and supporting nonprofit organizations both local, state-wide and international.

Since its founding, the Waukee Rotary has invested over $420,000 for its local community and international causes such as the eradication of polio.